Many Florida residents struggle with addiction or mental health issues that negatively affect their everyday lives. It can be difficult to help someone with these issues if they are not willing to seek treatment. However, the Marchman Act and the Baker Act can help...
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For A Reason
Marchman Act
What to expect when filing a Marchman Act petition
Watching a family member or loved one struggle with drug or alcohol addiction is often heartbreaking. One of the hardest parts is knowing that you have no control over their actions or addiction. Florida’s Marchman Act could help. The Marchman Act allows you to obtain...
The Marchman Act, the Baker Act and civil commitment
It's an agonizing experience to see your loved one lose control to the point where they pose a danger to themselves or others. Unfortunately, many families face this terrible situation when a relative is suffering from mental illness or substance abuse. These families...
What to know about The Marchman Act
The Hal S. Marchman Alcohol and Other Drug Services Act of 1993, aka The Marchman Act, exists to provide emergency help or temporary detention for individuals addicted to substances that require evaluations or treatment. It represents a potentially effective tool to...
The Marchman Act can help your addict family member
For families with an addict, life can be distressing. You never know when they will hit rock bottom, and you pray every day that rock bottom is not death. But, here in Florida, we have the Marchman Act, which can get that Stuart, Florida, addict the help they need....
Understanding the Marchman and Baker Acts
Families along the Treasure Coast in Florida and elsewhere in the state often suffer untold grief if a family member is abusing alcohol or drugs or has shown signs of an acute mental health disorder. These two statutes were adopted to provide family members with...