Depending on your protection.
Become a guardian to someone you care about.
Special Needs Planning
If you have a disabled child, you are likely concerned that he or she will need continuous care. Fortunately, special needs planning can help you ensure that your child’s needs are covered — for life. At The Gufford Law Firm, P.A., our lawyers assist families in the Treasure Coast region of South Florida with special needs planning.
When you meet with our lawyers, we will conduct a thorough interview to determine the nature of your financial situation, family relationships and assets. The information that we uncover in the process will help us determine whether a will, trust or combination of both best meets your needs.
Treasure Coast Special Needs Trust Attorney
A special needs trust protects a child with special needs. With a comprehensive estate plan, you can ensure that your special needs child receives what he or she needs to live a full life, while ensuring that your other children also receive their fair share of the estate. A special needs trust will protect your child from being disqualified for Social Security and Medicaid benefits, while still maintaining access to funds in the trust.
The trust can be structured in a way that meets your family’s particular needs. By working closely with our clients, we help them determine what their unique needs are, and construct trusts in a way that serves the best interests of all members of the family.
Special Needs Guardianship
When your child turns 18, the law will consider him or her an adult. However, as a special needs child, he or she may still need to be in your care. By establishing a special needs guardianship or conservatorship, you can ensure that you can continue to make important decisions on behalf of your child.