A legal dispute over a relative's estate can be very hard on a family. No one wants their legacy to be a series of nasty arguments among the people they love. That's why when you are creating your estate plan, one of your main goals should be to minimize the...
We Are Small
For A Reason
Year: 2023
Child support and the adult dependent child
Ordinarily, under Florida law an obligation to pay child support ends at age 18, or when the child graduates from high school. Once the child is legally an adult, the parents can continue to provide for them if they wish to do so, but the court ordinarily won't...
Mistakes that lead to probate litigation
Making the choice to set up an estate plan is a wise and responsible decision. Wills, trusts or powers of attorney are all important estate planning documents that can help you ensure your assets will be appropriately distributed to loved ones after you pass away....
How do the recently changed alimony laws impact Florida divorces?
For many years in Florida, there have been extended debates over alimony and the laws surrounding it. Some wanted these laws changed so those who are paying are not doing so longer than what many consider “fair.” Others felt the proposed changes placed too much of a...
Tips for dealing with your children’s emotions during divorce
There’s no doubt that divorce will be difficult for you in some regard, whether that be emotionally, financially, or both. That said, there are ways for you to ease the burden and stress associated with marriage dissolution. Your children, on the hand, aren’t as adept...
What if I am facing a Risk Protection Order?
In Florida, firearm safety has been a recent topic of discussion with people thinking about safety. Given the number of incidents in which people have used a weapon – which they owned legally – to do untold damage, state lawmakers sought to put safeguards in place to...
The Marchman Act, the Baker Act and civil commitment
It's an agonizing experience to see your loved one lose control to the point where they pose a danger to themselves or others. Unfortunately, many families face this terrible situation when a relative is suffering from mental illness or substance abuse. These families...
Misconceptions about adoption in Florida
If you are just starting to seriously consider adopting a child, you could be in for a lot of surprises. You may have been told (or read) about certain pieces of information that are actually not true. If you adopt a child, you are giving that child an opportunity to...
Avoid these five common estate planning mistakes
To many, the estate planning process seems straightforward, requiring nothing more than a will, if that. But bypassing the estate planning process or making an estate plan that’s too limited can put you, your loved ones, and your estate at risk. To avoid that from...
Can a parenting plan address concerns about a parent fleeing?
Florida family law courts strive to address all issues while protecting the rights of all parties. When children are involved, this is a particularly sensitive topic. In some instances, disputes center on parents wanting to spend more time with their kids. In others,...