Domestic violence affects many people in Florida each year. While the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports in 2015 there were over 107,600 reports to law enforcement, this likely does not represent every case. Many people are afraid to tell someone about their situation. In some cases, you may not even recognize abuse is occurring.
It is most common for women to be the victims of domestic violence. Each year, about 1.3 million women suffer some type of physical abuse. Domestic violence is not limited to physical altercations, though. It can include intimidation, coercion, threats and controlling behavior. This type of abuse often occurs and regularly. It is not a situation where you simply do not agree. In abuse, your partner has control and hurts you in some way physically, emotionally or mentally.
The law says domestic violence is any type of abuse from one family or household member to the other. This includes someone who you may not live with but who you previously lived with or were in a relationship with. It also encompasses children, parents and anyone who lives in your home or who has lived in your home as a member of your family. You do not have to have a blood relationship or a marital relationship.
In the state each day, there are about 857 calls to domestic violence hotlines for help. Organizations provide shelter, outreach programs and other services to families of domestic violence every day. You can always reach out if you need help to domestic violence organizations or law enforcement. This information is for education and is not legal advice.