Estate planning is about control and peace of mind. A lot of people don’t recognize that, and instead think of estate planning as nothing more than figuring out who is going to inherit some money and other assets like a car and a house. You’re certainly going to do...
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Estate Planning
Understanding guardianships in Florida
When a person is unable to manage his or her property, finances or personal care, it may be necessary to appoint a guardian for that person. A guardianship is a legal proceeding in Florida where a guardian is appointed to act on behalf of an incapacitated person,...
Four steps to take to establish a comprehensive estate plan
Estate planning may seem like a morbid activity, but it can actually bring you much peace of mind. No matter what your wealth or age is, executing an estate plan while you are still in good health can benefit you and your loved ones. The following are some estate...
Digital assets are part of your estate
Transacting business and keeping information online is now routine. But these digital assets may be lost or inaccessible if these are not compiled, well maintained and available to family members and fiduciaries. Estate planning must reflect this new reality. Digital...
Planning for your pet’s care when you are gone
There are many things that you should consider so that your family and other close people in your life are protected after you die. Your estate planning should also include taking care of your pets who are another important part of your family. Pet trusts Florida law...
Are advance directives beneficial for an estate plan?
Estate Planning allows individuals to make informed decisions about their health, finances, and assets before becoming incapacitated. To be deemed “incapacitated,” a medical doctor must determine that a patient has experienced a significant physical or mental change...
Qualified Terminal Interest Properties Trust
Estate planning is rarely something that one looks forward to, but it is vitally important, especially for high-income individuals. Wealthy Floridians have likely heard of the term, trust, because of their importance in estate planning. Indeed, this blog has spoken...
How often do you need to update your estate plan?
After creating your estate plan, you likely let it set for a few years – or more. You may think that most of its provisions will still stand, even after leaving it untouched. But by neglecting to review your plan, your estate runs the risk of being inaccurate or...
What should I know about pour over wills?
Creating a trust to convey your assets to your beneficiaries is often not the end of the process. As time goes on, you may acquire more assets that you want placed into the trust. However, an unexpected event may cause your incapacitation or death, preventing you from...
Can you avoid estate taxes?
A great many questions will likely surface during the estate planning process; whether or not your estate will be subject to taxes may not be one of them. That is probably because you already assume the answer to that question to inevitably be "yes." But is it really?...